
Free Discovery Call

Schedule a free 30 minute phone call to get all of your questions answered and see if Creighton is right for you!

Introductory Session

The Intro Session is a 90 minute class that provides an overview of the Creighton Model FertilityCare System. In this class, you will learn everything you need to get started charting today! This is great way to discover if Creighton is the right system for you.

Intro Sessions are held once a month in a group class setting. Individual Intro Sessions available upon request! Classes are available in person and online.

Follow Up Meetings

After attending an Intro Session, you can receive your materials and get started charting. From there, we will schedule several follow up sessions to help you gain confidence in using the system. In the follow up program you can expect:

  • More detailed education
  • In depth review of your chart
  • A personalized protocol created for you
  • Access to referral to a NaPro provider if needed
  • Support and encouragement as you learn the system

Pregnancy Evaluation

If a pregnancy is achieved while charting, a free pregnancy evaluation will be provided. A pregnancy evaluation includes:

  • accurate pregnancy dating of estimated conception and due dates
  • 1:1 support throughout pregnancy
  • early guidance for postpartum charting

Chart Check

Schedule a short 30 minute follow up to get quick answers to chart questions between follow up sessions

Schedule Today!

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